Don't skip the topic about sex

 Some people will feel weird and awkward to talk about sex because they think it should be the only the topic between the couples or the person you have a very close relationship with. I remembered that when I was a little kid, 5th or 6th grade, around 12 or 13 years old, my parents never had that conversation with me until I had my first period. However, they didn’t tell me too much details about the sex thing, they just told me that women could conceive the babies once they have their first period. Unfortunately, due to the influence of the traditional culture, the school didn’t put this information in our textbook when I was in the middle school, of course now the situation has been changed. The only time we talked about the human body and the private parts was in the textbook of the biology class, which was very awkward to see those pictures in the textbook even though the teacher told us that was normal, and I saw some of the girls’ faces were flushed. I thought that was a big progress even though we didn’t talk about the details of the sex. In my opinion, the deferred education of sex is pretty old fashioned and everyone, even the kids around 13 or 14 years old should know the basic knowledge of sex. It was not a taboo topic that we can’t ask and tell nowadays. In contrast, I think it is necessary to let the young kids who are in their puberty to know the importance of sex so they could know how to protect themselves from the abuse of it. I used to watch a documentary about a little girl in China who committed to suicide because the delay of her period caused her panic, she used to do the arm wrestling with a boy and she thought she got pregnant. The education of sex is meant to prevent this tragedy from happening again. On the other hand, I think sex is very important to keep the marriage alive, both men and women have the physiological needs, and they need to be satisfied. Sex is the gift given by God to make our lives better. The essence of marriage is cooperation between the 2 people, verbally and physically. If communication helps us to know each other better on the personalities, then sex is the physical communication between 2 people and let them know each other better in another way. People need sex is not just because to fit our physical needs but also a big help on binding the relationships. It is not just a one-time thing, it is a process that helps us to know each other better and what can we do to make improvements. Of course, sex is given by God so it is a holy matter, we can’t defile it and be abusive of it. Married couple need to learn and grow during their marriage life, especially to the newly wed couples. They have so many things could work on together, the holy point is to understand the beauty of it, why do we need it and how could we make it better. A good sexual relationship Definity helps to improve the relationship between the couples, but it doesn’t mean that there is nothing we can do if things don’t work well on that. Like I mentioned previously, we need to learn from baby steps about everything, and sex is not excluded either. There are a lot of things we can learn from it, ant most importantly, we can get pleasure from it, so we can improve our relationships with our partner.


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